Have you ever watched a camel take time for an energy boost? If food is scarce a camel will simply dine on bones, fish, leather, or even the owner's tent. It can consume thorns and twigs. The camel's oral cavity lining is tough enough that almost anything can be eaten without injury to the mouth. Camels are not picky. But we should be glad they cannot talk. If they talked like they eat it would be out of both sides of their mouths. The disarticulated jaw with the big teeth are quite a sight to behold. It would be absolutely mesmerizing to watch a camel speak. Camels are ships of the desert. As a species, they are known by fancier names. But when considering how they were created, camels should be known by a more simple designatio...
October 5, 2014 at 12:36 pm | News Desk